How to choose the right name for your business

By Parasolla | Updated on May 23, 2022

How to choose the best name for your business?

The perfect name for any business can be an important point when you want to start a business because the business name gives the first impression to the customers.

So you need to pick a good name that can inspire the clients and let them like to know more about your business.

So, you should consider this point carefully and try your best to pick the most appropriate name that can demonstrate your business well.

In this article, we have collected the main six points you need to consider when you want to pick a name for your new business.

1. Choose a unique name

The first step to choosing a perfect name is to pay attention to choosing a unique name because this type of names attracts more customers as people always like to try new things.


Also, choosing a different name will distinguish your company from other competitors. And give you more opportunities to get more customers. 

Some examples of international companies’ names: Apple, Amazon, Facebook, … etc.


Those companies came to the world with unique names and ideas. And every one of them demonstrates his business differently.


For example, the first impression you get about Apple word is Apple company. It is unique, different, and appropriate.


So, try your best to choose a different name that can demonstrate your business well and inspire your clients at the same time.

2. Avoid hard-to-spell names.

Choosing a unique name doesn’t mean you should choose a weird name from another planet!


Imagine that your business name is “ytehgvsvgq”!

Would you be able to spell it?

Of course not!


Even if you could spell it, you can’t remember the name in the future. And that is what will happen with your customers.

They will not be able to spell or remember a hard-to-spell name. Hence, you should choose an easy-to-spell name for your company. Also, make sure it is easy to remember.

As a result, if a customer bought something from your company and after a period of time he wanted to contact you again, he will not be able to spell and remember your company name easily.

3. Pick a related name to your business

Try your best to let your company name demonstrate your industry field. This means, when someone spells your business name, he should expect something from your company.


A simple example, if you named your business “happy Baby”, I should expect something related to Babies, such as games, clothes… etc.


Related names to your business can demonstrate your company better than unrelated words that can confuse the clients.


Imagine that your business name is “Happy Baby” and your business is a car wash. You may lose a lot of customers because of misunderstandings.


So, you should pick an appropriate name for your business field to attract more potential clients.

4. Buy your business domain now

The domain is your business home online and it is the address for your business on google and other search engines. Also, it should be noted that domain names can’t be repeated for any reason.


For example, if you bought the following domain “”, nobody else can buy the same name because every domain on the internet is unique.


So, if you chose a name for your business and you didn’t buy a domain for your business, someone else would buy it and you will not look trustful on the internet.


Imagine that your business name is “umbrella” and your domain name is “”!

You will not look professional and nobody will trust your website.


In conclusion, you should buy the appropriate domain name for your business before making a final decision about your company name.

5. Design a logo for your business name

Your company logo is another important point you should consider when you want to name your business because a professional logo can inspire people to know more about you.


So, you should think about the appropriate logo for your business depending on your business name. You can have a look at the logo of the largest companies in the world to understand the relationship between the company name and its logo. 


For example, Meta, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon.


The previous companies made a perfect connection between their names and logos.


As a result, you should check if you can create an amazing logo for your business depending on your business name before deciding the final name for your company.

6. Think about the future

The last thing you should think about it is your business future.


What is your business plan?

Do you have ideas for the future?

Would you like to have a larger company in the future?



If your answer was “yes”, you should extend your mind a little bit. This means you should choose a name that can include all your future products.


A simple example, if you have a restaurant and its name is shrimp because the only food you offer is shrimp meals. But in the future your brought other kinds of seafood, in this situation, your restaurant name isn’t comprehensive to demonstrate all your restaurant meals.


So, you should think about your business in the future too, because your company's name is the main tool that demonstrates your products and services.

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