How to make a good impression at a job interview

By Parasolla | Updated on May 28, 2023

How to make a good impression at a job interview

If you are reading this article, probably you have a job interview invitation or you want to improve yourself to provide your experiences and skills in a better way.

Giving a good impression at a job interview can be difficult if you can’t promote yourself in the right way. As a result, it can cost you to lose the job opportunity.

In this article, we are going to give you the 7 tips that can help you make a good impression at a job interview and increase your chances of getting the job you want.  

1. Prepare well for the job interview

The first step to help you pass your job interview well is to prepare yourself from all aspects and make your mind ready to be perfect.


To prepare for your interview, you should consider reading and understanding the job discerption well. Hence, you need to know all the tasks and duties you will be responsible for them. Also, you should reread your resume and cover letter you’ve sent to the company because the interviewers sometimes about a specific skill or experience you have. 


In this way, you will be well-prepared to answer all possible questions accurately and clearly. As a result, you will look professional and give a good impression of your personality.  

2. Choose appropriate clothes

Usually, the clothes give the first impression about you. So, you should choose appropriate clothes depending on the interview type and the position you’ve applied for.


When we talk about dressing well, we don’t mean that you should go will a super formal suit like a businessman. It mainly depends on the position. For example, if you are applying for an IT specialist position, you can wear Semi-Formal clothes as IT specialists usually don’t wear full formal. Another example is if you are applying to Senior accountant, you should wear formal clothes.


In conclusion, you should always check if your clothes are suitable, clean, and professional for the interview you have.

3. Be confident

The third point you need to consider when it comes to giving a good impression of yourself is to be confident.


Being confident is very important because recruiters always look for candidates who can manage their tasks perfectly and there is no way to have an idea about your management skills if you aren’t confident. So, you should try your best to pass your interview confidently.


There is no magical method that can help you become confident. But you can practice acting confidently. Also, you should study all the available resources you have like the job description, and research the company. Hence, you will be able to answer all the questions you get and look more confident.

4. Smile

Being confident is a good way to give a good impression about you in the job interview but that doesn’t mean that you should be nervous! 

It is the opposite; you need to relax and smile to let the conversation between you and the interviewers goes well.


Keeping a nice smile on your face can help you become more confident and let the interviewer understand that you’re a smooth person and have strong communication skills. Also, this can lead the conversation to be more informal and increase your chances of getting the job.


Smiling in the interview is a perfect sign that you can communicate well especially for people who work in sales and marketing positions and it can affect dramatically the interview quality you do.

5. Be on Time

Don’t BE LATE!!


This is one of the most important things you should consider if you want to leave a good impression on yourself. So, make sure to prepare all your staff a day before the interview date. In this way, everything will be ready and you don’t need to waste extra time before your interview such as:

what you should wear!

and my hairstyle is not perfect!

my shoes are not clean!


So, make sure everything is ready before a day. Also, be aware to arrive before the meeting by 15 min to avoid being late for unexpected problems.

6. Ask smart questions

After you finish the interview, the interviewers usually ask you if you have questions.


When you reach this part of the interview, don’t be bored. You should ask some questions about the company and the job position you’re applying for. In this way, you will show them that you are so interested in the position and you love to work for the company.


Also, avoid the questions about the salaries and working hours because these kinds of questions show that you are only interested in getting money and are incapable of learning new skills.


Be aware that wrong questions can give a negative impression about you and cost your losing the job.

7. Follow up

After the interview, you should send a follow-up email to thank the interviewers and demonstrate your interest in the company and position. That can help you give that last positive impression about yourself.


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